WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February 10 2025
FEBRUARY 10TH 2025, Weekly News, A WEEK IN MY LIFE
MY WEEKLY NEWS. Joe Cocker is singing his heart out in the background this morning. Mozart was displaying his brilliance on Friday and Il Divo the day prior. Music is amazing. I was never a great performer, preferring to be an enthusiastic audience. We all have our areas of skill developed over time. To sing or play well fills me with envy, of course, I can do both but not well or not that you would want to listen to!
Preparing our home for sale has illuminated other areas of skill that I have improved on through practice. When we began the great declutter, I was packing everything, creating a garage full to the brim of our lives. I have become slightly more discerning. The hard rubbish is coming to our street in early March and there will be a mass display of all the things that won’t be accompanying us on our move to wherever we end up going.
We progress with our move and hope to get our home online today. When you receive the photos, video, floorplan and copy from the agent, I highly recommend that you go through it all and not just blindly accept. Making sure that what is mentioned and seen, presents your home in its best light.
It can be difficult – there are a multitude of photos, and as a seller, I have gone through them in detail. I noticed the flat sheet not tucked in, and other bits and pieces that I wish had been detected. I am completely used to accompanying the photographer and viewing photos of homes, yet your own home is different.
If there is something special about your home then make sure it is mentioned – nobody knows your home like you do. The light is a standout of our home. We have no large trees on our property that are close to our home, the verandahs were designed to maximise light and usability, it’s mentioned in the video but not in the marketing copy.
So how much is too much? How many photos, how many words? When you are looking at property, do you scan or do you examine the minutiae?
Joe has finished and one of the joys of working from home is that it’s easy to go for a change of pace, who is up next on my playlist? Do I want some silence or something that makes me want to dance around like it’s the 1980s? Yep, nobody needs to see that, good thing I work alone.
A Week in My Life
Home Preparation and Injuries!
Well, nobody talks about the injuries that can happen when you are getting your home ready to sell.
My husband hurt his back (incorrect use of a ladder by not using one and standing on a bed and overbalancing), and I hurt my hand, in a hurry, not using my brain and getting it stuck in a window. How did I do that? It took skill!
People slip, fall and trip as part of their home selling journey. Things are left lying in places they shouldn’t before they are moved and are a great fall hazard. We forget that they are there and worse – we forget that our partner is unaware of them sitting there ready to catch the unwary.
Exercise caution, don’t leave things just around a corner or on the immediate other side of a door. Ladders should be treated with absolute respect and used whenever you are reaching a higher point.