End of 2023 exhaustion
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January, the break that we all need from 2023


Exhausted from the previous year, running on empty we need to refuel our tanks.

We need to examine 2023 and what worked for us, what didn’t and what do we want to do differently in 2024. For some, Christmas may solidify a decision to move out of a relationship, out of a house, or out of a role. It can be time for a clean break. 

If it’s the relationship that needs to change then Sallyanne Hartnell is the woman you need to speak with. She is the founder of Reflect Coaching and can work with you to understand your choices and what your best path is.https://www.reflectcoaching.com.au/

If it’s the house that needs to change then call, email, or book a time to chat with me. https://msproperty.com.au/meet-ups/

If it’s the role you currently have then there are employment people that you can chat to about transitioning into something new.

Life is too short to not be happy.

The Joy That is Christmas (and the extra work load)

As women, we carry the load of Christmas (generally). We manage our usual work of employment and children management, only one of which is paid. At Christmas women tend to take on the present buying, the planning, the cooking, and, if you are having people to your home, then women usually have to prepare the house as well. Again, all unpaid. We are already tired and somehow, we manage to make Christmas a joyous time for everyone (exhaustion anyone?)

It’s not a surprise then that separations and divorces are high over this time. I am relishing that for the first time since 1986 I don’t have to do anything. No people, no endless present buying, minor food prep, and just the usual housework.

We chose to do a Kris Kringle in 2023. Our kids earn more than we do and they don’t need much. No more Santa stockings or ticking off long Christmas lists. We don’t need anything, nothing at all. If you have to buy us anything then buy us an experience or a magazine subscription or anything that I can use and then recycle or even better, something that I can share because the nurturers in us like to give and show our love by sharing.

Making a Move in 2024

We are in the throes of decluttering as we prepare to sell. Well, I am in the throes of decluttering. It is taking forever, it’s a sizable house with lots of cupboards and I don’t seem to have thrown anything out since we moved in 20 years ago.

Chatting with my sister about how much stuff we have and the need to spread the excess around a variety of Op Shops so it doesn’t show what hoarders we are. Walking up to an Op Shop and hoping that they are taking things and won’t reject my goods. When you think of Christmases past and the stuff that poured into our house, I look at the practicality of toy libraries or making the rule that for everything that comes in something must go out!

Another place to consider when decluttering is your local school or kinder as they love things that can be made into other things or used for sand or water play.

Reflecting on 2023

As I reflect on 2023, it was a year of strengthening the feminist in me. Maybe it’s because I am getting older but I am no longer prepared to accept what was once the norm, even down to Christmas presents.

As a real estate agent for more than two decades I have watched women make the decision to leave, they start to sort through what they need to do and where they will go. Financial concerns are a big part of this, how will we afford to leave? As an Advocate, this is one of the first things that we talk about.

What are your options and who can help?

Women are often surprised at the ease of solutions. Sometimes it’s just knowing who to talk to and having someone who listens.

Be kind to yourself, sit down, relax, catch up on some TV, and go out with some friends. If you can, take it easy in January because the world starts to speed up from February 1.


Christmas Tree
putting up the Christmas tree

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