You Can Do Anything
My PURPOSE: Creating confidence in those inexperienced in real estate, building their resilience, protecting their future through guided consultation and personal attention
Working On
For the last few weeks I have been working on MY PURPOSE. Yes, in upper case.
When I moved from being a typical real estate agent to working as an advocate I had an ideal in mind, what I wanted to achieve.
My focus was on women. I wanted to change the stats and change the story about women over 55 and their increasing disadvantage with homelessness.
Like most plans, it evolved and my actions recently have been about drawing my focus back to align with my purpose, with my values.
I think I have it now. A EUREKA moment. The way to change the stats, change the story, is through awareness and education, to help women realise their choices, to give women the confidence that “You Can Do Anything” with the right guide by their side.
Women, and their finances, a historical perspective
Women came late to the home buying process, it was difficult to get a home loan that wasn’t cosigned or guaranteed by a partner or male parent. Credit cards for women were also often the ‘2nd card’ to the male, head of household. Even though, “The Married Women’s Property Act enabled married women to hold property of their own, sue and be sued, enter into contracts, be subject to bankruptcy laws, be liable for the debts contracted before their marriage, and for the maintenance of their children. Victoria passed legislation in 1884, New South Wales in 1879, and the remaining states passed similar legislation between 1890-97”
Note the ‘liable for the debts contracted before their marriage.
From the Commonwealth Banks website.
“For much of history, women were excluded from financial decision-making and investment opportunities. It wasn’t until the 20th century that they began to break through these barriers. In Australia, for example, women couldn’t even obtain a mortgage or loan without a male guarantor until the Sex Discrimination Act of 1984 started changing these practices.”
You Can Do Anything – Buy a Home Solo, Anything
From 1984 to 2024, a period of around sixty years before an article in Domain stated that “Single women are doing it for themselves in the property market, with the number of females applying for solo home loans now eclipsing the number of single men – and continuing to trend upwards.
“A lot of these are younger single female property buyers, but now there’s also an older demographic of post-divorce, newly single women over 40 joining them to buy after downsizing from the marital home,” says Sydney buyers’ agent Michelle May.” November 2023

Sisters are doing it for themselves.
Increasingly women over 55 are amongst the most disadvantaged with homelessness. For many of these women, previous homes were bought with a partner, and buying solo is scary. These women lack confidence in the buying or selling process. Of course, not all women but many.
Making a financial mistake when you are over 55 is hugely impactful and this is where my service comes in. I walk women through the process, building their confidence, understanding the importance of knowing what they really want and how the home will serve them.
We work through the money by ensuring they have their financial ducks in a row, teaching about using the correct criteria in a property search, researching and what to research when they find a home that meets their criteria, and then, my clients learn about Contracts and making offers. It’s an involved process but a crucial one.
The more confidence a woman has the easier it is for her friends and family to also take the plunge into solo home ownership. If she can do it then so can I approach. Moving women away from ‘renting because it’s easier’ to owning their space is a critical factor in improving the financial stability of women over 55.
Buying or Selling your biggest asset is a huge challenge for anyone – even those of us going through it with 22 years real estate experience.
Women are the focus of Ms. Property Melbourne – renewing my original intent. Home Buyers and Sellers who want to build their confidence with guided consultation and personal attention will be the focus of Carol Robertson Property.
I hope you will accompany me on my journey